Dr. Castillo explains the comprehensive effects of tummy tuck surgery. He works carefully to produce natural-looking results down to the smallest details. This includes creating a natural-looking navel to complete the procedure.
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00:00:04.800 --> 00:00:11.200
Patients, after
losing a great amount of weight,
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the muscles separate because the tendon
that keeps them together gets stretched.
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The only way to repair those muscles is
by doing something called a tummy tuck.
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We need to join the muscles again, but
also the skin stretches at the same time.
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Those two things are not going
to be fixed only with lipo.
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We need to remove the excess of
skin and also repair the muscles.
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When we do a tummy
tuck we do a new belly button.
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I try to leave the scar in the belly
button as down as possible, so it's not
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visible after the procedure,
or it's difficult to see.
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At the same time, the skin
stretches in the abdominal area,
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the venous months also in
the pubic area falls down.
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We need not only to remove the excess of
skin in the abdomen, we also need to lift
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the excess of skin in the pubic area.
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If you have certain amount of fat
collections around your waist,
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the tummy tuck is not going to fix that.
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That's why we need to do or add the
liposuction to
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improve the waist and the lower back,
maybe also to give certain
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volume to the butt.
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We normally call this the Brazilian
butt lift, to give a nice contour.
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It's not only the abdominal hole,
it's the whole area.
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It's important that patients must consider
that the result is not achieved
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immediately after the surgery because
it takes time for the body to recover from
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the inflammation process to
the volume that inflammation disappears,
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it's around maybe two months
when you begin to see the result.
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But the final result of any procedure is
after a year, so you're going to
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have changes during the whole year.
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So don't expect that
final result until that time.